
International Encyclopedia of Adult Education

International Encyclopedia of Adult Education

von: L. English
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
ISBN: 9781349725205
Sprache: Englisch
763 Seiten, Download: 96617 KB
Format:  PDF

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The Encyclopedia of Adult Education is the first comprehensive reference work in this important and fast-growing field, and is an invaluable resource for adult educators who research and teach in the fields of higher education, work in community-based settings, or practise in public or private organizations. Its 170+ articles, written by an international team of contributors from over 17 countries, detail the research and practice of the field from its emergence as a separate discipline to the present day, covering key concepts, issues and individuals and providing a cutting-edge summary of ongoing debates across a wide range of perspectives, from self-directed learning to human resource development. Entries are arranged A-Z and extensive cross-referenced, with detailed bibliographies for each topic to facilitate further research.

Editorial Board DAVID BOUD University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, co-editor of Work-Based Learning: A New Higher Education (Open University Press, 2003). Co-editor of the journal Studies in Continuing Education TARA FENWICK University of Alberta, Canada, editor of Sociocultural Perspectives on Learning Through Work (Jossey-Bass, 2001) MATTHIAS FINGER Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique, Switzerland, co-author of Adult Education at the Crossroads, Learning our Way out (NIACE and Zed, 2001) CHERYL HUNT Exeter University, UK, researcher in community education, spirituality and learning DOROTHY LANDER St. Francis Xavier University, Canada, researcher in women and learning, social gospel, and women's activism SHARAN MERRIAM University of Georgia, USA, co-author of Qualitative Research in Practice (Jossey-Bass, 2002) TOM NESBIT Simon Fraser University, Canada, specialist in labour and literacy studies ELIZABETH TISDELL Penn State University, USA, author of Exploring Spirituality and Culture in Adult and Higher Education (Jossey-Bass, 2003) SHIRLEY WALTERS University of the Western Cape, South Africa, co-editor of Gender in Popular Education (ZED, 1996) ARTHUR WILSON Cornell University, USA, co-editor of the Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education (Jossey-Bass, 2000) and former editor of the Adult Education Quarterly Selected contributors PAUL BELANGER University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada. Former Director General of UNESCO, and currently Director of the International Council of Adult Education STEPHEN BROOKFIELD University of St. Thomas, USA, co-author of Discussion as a Way of Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 1999) PATRICIA CRANTON St Francis University, USA and University of New Brunswick, Canada, author of Becoming an Authentic Teacher (Krieger, 2001) RICHARD EDWARDS Stirling University, UK, editor of the journal Studies in the Education of Adults JEAN GRAVELINE Brandon University, Canada, author of Circle Works: Transforming Eurocentric Consciousness (Fernwood, 1998) PETER JARVIS University of Surrey, UK, author of The Theory and Practice of Teaching (Kogan Page, 2002) and editor of the International Journal of Lifelong Education TOM SORK University of British Columbia, Canada, editor of the Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education MICHAEL WELTON Mt. St. Vincent University, Canada, author of Little Mosie from Margaree: A Biography of Moses Michael Coady (2001)


